Training Materials

Here are some case studies illustrating how we can help clients develop training materials:

Teacher training

Over 30 teacher training packs were developed by Wordhouse for the National Centre for Literacy and Numeracy on behalf of the Department for Education and Skills. Wordhouse was commissioned to work with the Centre’s managers and authors, and staff in the Standards and Effectiveness Unit at the DfES, to prepare a wide range of teacher training and resource materials for teachers and managers in secondary schools. The publications ranged from 300-page trainer’s packs to 30-page teacher resource booklets. Wordhouse managed the final editorial and pre-press development of the materials, and the production of prints runs ranging from 500 to 60,000, right through to delivery of bound copies to the DfES’s warehouses.

Image of a trainer pack produced with the help of Wordhouse

Image of different coloured folders on a cabinetImage of different coloured folders on office shelves

Bringing training material back to life

Look in any office and you will probably find a cache of old, neglected training materials that are no longer fit for purpose.


They may be in the form of printed study manuals or checklists, PowerPoint presentations, lecture notes, or perhaps handouts. You – or your predecessors – may have invested a great deal of time, effort and finance in developing these materials, but you find that they no longer do the job for which they were intended.


This may be because your organisational needs have changed, or technology has moved on, or because the content itself has become out of date.


Whatever the reason, and whatever their condition, Wordhouse can help you bring your legacy training materials back to life.

Most organisations have a bank of training materials they’ve developed in the past. They can represent a significant investment, and may contain much valuable information, but are no longer appropriate to your needs.  Wordhouse can help you refresh and repurpose your old materials, using them to build a relevant, coherent and accessible training resource.

  • We can help you structure your materials so that they target your training needs effectively and provide a well-paced and rewarding experience for your trainees.
  • Working directly with you, or our own subject matter experts, we can build on and update the knowledge base of your existing materials.
  • We can advise you on new ways of delivering digital content that are relevant to the current needs of your organisation.
  • We can help you to digitise your materials in the most flexible way, so they can be updated easily and presented on a variety of platforms.
  • We can help you future-proof your materials so your original investment continues to produce a return for many years to come.

If you have outdated training materials that you’d like to bring back into use, contact Stephen Wellings now on 0118 961 7578 or at